Entry 5: Dead apes and Digiorno
Ben Whiting Ben Whiting

Entry 5: Dead apes and Digiorno

Scooter loves games, but of all the ones we play (The T-shirt Game, Wubba Keep-Away, Classic Fetch, etc.) the one that makes his tail wag with the most fervor is “Dead Nucky.”

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Entry 4: Wayne Gretzky and Rottweilers
Ben Whiting Ben Whiting

Entry 4: Wayne Gretzky and Rottweilers

I learned a lot about Scooter the first time we went to the dog park. First, Scooter could care less about labels. He also doesn’t accept it when others try to label him. So when I carried him into the small dog section of the park, he was offended. It took him less than 10 seconds to show me who the real small dog was…

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Entry 3: He won’t stop playing
Ben Whiting Ben Whiting

Entry 3: He won’t stop playing

Well crap. When I started this site I know I wrote a lot of stuff that could be considered pretty sad, but Scooter is down right rejecting any sadness this morning…

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Entry 2: A placeholder
Ben Whiting Ben Whiting

Entry 2: A placeholder

This site is new, so until there’s more content enjoy this beautiful poem about dogs by Billy Collins…

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Entry 1: Why this exists and our hope
Ben Whiting Ben Whiting

Entry 1: Why this exists and our hope

Scooter and I were walking the neighborhood one day, when a dog many times his size came tearing down the street like an escaped convict. The behemoth creature suddenly came to a halt, fixed his eyes on Scooter, then slowly, deliberately started in our direction. Something primal in me snapped…

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